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If I build it, will they come? Making sure your new website equals online success

Categories: Website Optimization

Websites are a substantial but necessary investment, and you obviously want your site to be a success. Of course, you can’t simply plop in a new website and POOF! instant success.

Having a great design and marketing firm (ahem, say, BrickStreet Marketing) is very important. A study done by Stanford University determined that people quickly evaluate a site by visual design alone. And like any good site, your visuals should work as hard as your content on it. Because your visual design should match your company’s purpose. If you are selling food, for example, you want your design to be fresh, colorful and appealing. And you don’t want to try and dazzle your customers with too much high-tech wizardry.

So, now you’ve got the pretty pictures and the prose to match it. Now what? Pull up a hammock and a cold drink and watch your website go like gangbusters? Nice try, but you’re not getting off that easy.

Once you have a great site and you’ve launched it, the most important thing you can do is to make a habit of updating it. Think of a pond. If there isn’t any fresh water being fed into it, at some point it will start to become stagnant. Your website should also have timely updates and content to keep it fresh. It can be the most powerful marketing tool in your arsenal, but you have to put it to work!

Remember, you have hundreds if not thousands of businesses in your specific industry that are fighting for the best positioning regarding SEO. These companies may have people already coming to their site if they are established, and they are probably paying someone to make sure that they are ranked in search engines.

Page ranking is important, so you need to make sure your site is optimized for Search Engine Optimization. Make sure your site has quality meta titles and descriptions, and ideally you should have a specific focus keyword on each page that has text.  This keyword should be used in the body of the content, the title and, if possible, the page URL.

There are many sources out there to help you get relevant keywords to help you rank higher. Keyword Planner by Google is a free Google Ads tools for new or experienced advertisers. The advantage is that it helps you search for keywords so you can see how a list of keywords might perform.

Of course, having a social presence is important, as well as sharing good content on your company blog. A blog should provide useful information to your reader, so your topics should be relevant, real, and easily readable.

The bottom line is if you don’t promote and market your website, you probably won’t ever get any significant traffic to it. Which means you won’t get much revenue stream from it either. So use your social media, write those blogs, and make sure you are getting the best keywords to optimize your site. And be sure to call us (517.680.7957) if you have any questions, we are here to help!